Post by T-Robosaurus Rex on Jul 22, 2009 19:03:54 GMT -5
It was undoubtedly one of the surrealist moments of my life, one of the strangest things I had ever been privy to witness, and despite the fact I had hoped something like this would happen from the start, the whole situation made me feel somewhat uncomfortable. After all the man I was currently observing through the wonders of modern Closed Circuit Television was still, indeed, the man I promised to ‘Love, Honour and Obey’, the very same individual that I had planned on spending eternity with, and now, indirectly due to me, his world had come crashing down around him.
Through the security monitor of the Police Station’s Security I observed the one time love of my life, Travis Roberts, sitting alone in a holding cell, clutching his one useless hand with the fully functioning one. Over the past few weeks I could barely trust in what my eyes had shown me, despite my misgivings about his attitude and direction since he awoke from his coma, I found it hard to accept that the man who was the impeccable example of confidence, integrity and sporting excellence had plummeted to the depths that he now inhabited.
His appearance alone indicated the events of recent weeks had affected him in a way I could never have predicted. His hair matted together with blood and sweat from weeks of run ins with Randy, wearing the same clothing that he was draped in when I took possession of my rightful half of the home, his trademark Aviators almost destroyed by the events of Sunday night still sitting across his eyes, albeit at an awkward angle...this was indeed a shadow of the man I once dedicated my entire existence to.
Despite the fact that I should be feeling buoyed by these observations, as they can only work to my advantage, I could feel something in the pit of my stomach, deep down I knew this wasn’t right, this wasn’t natural. Those feeling directly contradicted everything I had been working towards, this moment should be one of victory and rejoicing, but those feelings just would not desist. No matter how much I told myself this was exactly what we expected to happen, as much as I reminded myself that I knew that taking away everything Travis relied upon would expose him for the postulating, pontificating prick he is, despite the validity of all this, it still made me squirm a little on my seat.
Being right never used to feel this way, the usual rush of adrenaline and justification was absent from my being, and that was a worry, but a worry I had to put aside, there were far bigger things at stake. I reminded myself it was better him than me; that Travis had brought this all upon himself when he shunned me on waking from his long sleep; that any guilt that I may feel was just residual effects of the love I once felt for him. In fact, it probably wasn’t guilt I felt, just surprise. Whilst I always expected Travis to collapse into a wreck, I could never have predicted it would happen so swiftly and dramatically, living with paedophiles and immigrants, letting his cool slip and getting himself arrested, eating at buffets! In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have expected such an outcome so quickly, and I told myself these uncomfortable feelings were obviously a reflection of my utter shock at the way events had turned.
I turned my attention to another monitor, and looked upon the young man pacing the length of his cell, backwards and forwards, over and over again. I could not deny, this individual had been integral to the overwhelming success of my plans, despite writing him off after he failed me in November, he had continued to aid my cause. I was not naive enough to assume his motivations had anything to do with pleasing me, but nevertheless his actions had been instrumental in bringing Travis to his knees in such a short space of time.
I’d spent enough time with Randy during our charade of a relationship, to know that he had his own demons pushing him to destroy Travis, and that my intervention and done no more than act as a catalyst to the inevitable. But I could not help but feel fortunate that our individual onslaughts upon Travis had coincided with one another. The ferocity of Randy’s hatred for Travis, despite the fact it may be misplaced, had brought me to the brink of everything I deserved. Randy had helped push Travis into revealing how reliant upon others he truly is for his success, and what a magnificent display we had coerced.
But again, whilst I should be feeling pride at how I had stoked Randy’s emotions to this point, of how I had enveloped him into my own plans, deep down, something felt disconcerting. As much as I told myself Randy had made these decisions himself, I couldn’t help but feel nervous for what the future held for him. Sure our relationship was a sham, but we’d spent so much time together, it was difficult not to grow fond of him, and seeing him make the wrong decision time and time again, despite how it played into my hands, was difficult.
This young man had the world at his feet, he is one of the hottest talents in the industry, and really he’s only just getting started. His close proximity to myself had given me an insight into his workings, and below the nonchalant, laid back demeanour he displayed to the world, I could see a dark, simmering rage beneath the surface, and in the past weeks he has begun to let those emotions rule his decisions and his actions. Although his future could hold so much joy and success for Randy, he is ruled by events from his past, and he is allowing them to distort his future, the most disconcerting thing about it all though is the fact I think he is well aware of what he is doing.
Even if I wanted to help, there is nothing I could do to influence him, Randy has proved determined to continue punishing himself, no form of intervention would force him to another path. So it was the logical, smart move to exploit his actions for my own benefit, but yet, there was a small voice at the back of my heads that told me this had to end. But I dismissed the voice as useless, this was no time for second thoughts, no time to re-imagine the future, I had set the pieces in place, it was time to follow through with it all, to show the world just why you shouldn’t underestimate Mary-Joanna.
I rose from the chair, and turned to Officer Pettyman, thanking him for ‘bending’ the rules and allowing me access to the footage. Leaning forward I firmly kissed the young officer on the cheek, and told him I was ready to see Randy now. As I left the room I glanced back over my shoulder for one last look at the monitors, and saw the door to Travis’ cell open just as I exited.
[‘The Blessed One’ raised his head from his hands, and looked through the shattered lenses of his Aviators as his cell door swung open, and a guard barked into the cell:]
Guard – ‘We’re getting overcrowded, time to double up Champ’
[The disdain for ‘The Headliner’ in the man’s voice is clear, but Travis just looks on, making no attempt to challenge the man on his display of disrespect. The guard just chuckles, and his overweight gut ripples as he does so]
Guard – ‘Don’t worry, I hear you know one another...’
[The ‘TWiSTeD Icon’ raises his eyebrows as the guard turns and grabs an unseen man behind him and tosses him into the cell, and locks the door. The man is large, and well built, but we do not get a glimpse of his face as he immediately throws himself against the door and starts pounding upon it.]
? – ‘Let me out...I demand you let me out you dirty jew!...Zee’s iz a travesty...Nein!....Nein!... Ich stehe nicht für dieses, dieses bin eine Beleidigung zu meiner Nation, Sie werde zerquetscht durch das überlegene Rennen, markiere meinen Wortabschaum.’
[Travis’ jaw drops to the floor, and he looks around his cell, as if looking for someone to share his utter shock and bemusement to. It takes a few seconds for him to come to the conclusion there is no-one, other than the protesting man to display his stupefaction to. He looks at his feet and speaks for the first time]
Travis – ‘And ‘The Headliner’ didn’t think things could possibly get any worse...Savage?’
[The man stops his pounding on the cell door abruptly, his entire body clenches at the sound of Travis’ voice, he then turns, very slowly towards ‘The Blessed One’ revealing, it is indeed GIW’s former resident Nazi, Savage, with a very concerned look upon himself...]
Travis – ‘What in the name of TWiSTeD did ‘The Most Influential Icon in Sports Entertainment this Millennia’ do to deserve this. ‘The Blessed One’ thought it was bad being locked up like an animal, Travis Roberts never actually considered things could be far...far worse...’
[During Travis’ words Savage has backed away into a corner, and is holding his arms up in front of him in a defensive posture, as if he expects ‘The Headliner’ to come flying at him]
Travis – ‘But as ever it is going to be up to ‘The TWiSTeD Icon’ to make the most of the situation... the company of a lunatic is surely better than no company and no delicacies...’
[Travis rises from his bunk, and turns towards Savage, who jumps a good two foot in the air in surprise and starts to hop on the spot, fists outstretched.]
Savage – ‘Nein!....Nein!....Stay away from me...come any closer....and Blitzkrieg!’
Travis – ‘Calm down you anti-Semitic proof that gene sharing encourages retardation...’The Blessed One’ dropped you on your head enough times last year, Travis Roberts feel’s no need to remind you of just how inferior you really are...’The Headliner’ is the Unified Global Champion, there is no need to be lower himself toy our standard...’The TWiSTeD Guerrilla’ was merely going to enquire into why you’re in this fine establishment...’
[Savage looks at Travis and narrows his eyes, obviously unsure as to whether to trust ‘The Headliner’]
Travis – ‘For TWiSTeD’s sake Savage...if ‘The TWiSTeD High Commander’ wanted to attack you, do you really think hopping around like your having some kind of seizure would make any difference? Just answer the damn question.’
[Savage stands still for the first time since realising he was sharing a cell with ‘The Blessed One’, lowers his arms, and begins to speak slowly, but never moving from the corner of the cell.]
Savage – ‘It’s a long story...but to skip to the end I broke the conditions of a restraining order...’
Travis – ‘You were stalking Jack Ryan’s again weren’t you?’
Savage – ‘I just can’t help it...the smell of his hair....the softness of his voice...the definition of his know he was better than anyone else in GIW....he was indeed a god walking amongst us mere am I meant to restrain myself? I have gazed upon the face of god, I have heard him talk to me, how can society expect me to ignore my calling...’
Travis – ‘’The Blessed One’ hates to break this to you, but Society isn’t who requested the restraining order....that was Jack Ryan’s himself, and if what ‘The Headliner’ has heard is true, Travis Roberts thinks ya got off lucky...if you’d been found covered in baby oil underneath ‘The TWiSTeD Icons’ floorboards the proper authorities would not have been notified...’
Savage – ‘Nein! It is merely religious else am I supposed to worship a god who walks amongst the mortals....I am a Disciple of Ryans, and much like the disciples of the bible I am being persecuted for my beliefs...this country is awash with religious intolerance...and I have become victim of it!’
Travis – ‘You have no idea about injustice, you were not thrown into jail for merely defending oneself. You’re not at the centre of some goddamn vendetta, a vendetta pursued by a maniacal bird at that. Week after week Randy Boolzian has stuck his nose in ‘The Headliners’ business because he couldn’t live with the fact he couldn’t get the job done at Horizons...the moment ‘The Blessed One’ decides to take matters into his own hands, the damn pigs are called, and ‘The TWiSTeD Icon’ is thrown in jail....Boss P was just waiting for this moment....’
Savage – ‘Yeah...ummm...I never really understood what was going on when I was in[/b] GIW, so could we just talk about Jack Ryans instead? I’m sure you would agree his actions can teach us much about the way we too should live our lives...the world would be a much better place if Jack was given the adoration and respect he truly deserves...’[/color]
[Savage is interrupted as the cell door opens once again and the rotund guard stands in the doorway, blocking any light from the corridor beyond with his large frame]
Guard – ‘Yo, Champ...Your better half is here, and for some reasons you get to visit them...though I’d rather see your criminal backside locked up for good...’
[Travis looks at Savage, and back to the mocking guard, and for the first time we see a smile spread across Travis’ face...]
Travis – ‘Thank TWiSTeD!’
I sat behind the table and watched Randy leave the room, he really is a fine looking young man, such a pity he’s so consumed with guilt and hatred, yet those exact traits are what makes him so easy to manipulate. I’m not sure what it is about men, but they seem to do exactly what I intend them to do, they always dance to my tune as it were, and the beautiful thing about it is, they never know it. Having finished my conversation with Randy, I was assured he was in exactly the right frame of mind for what was to come, now it was time to ensure my beloved was as desolate and shattered as it seemed.
The door swung open and the guard led in my husband, he looked up and his face went from an expression of joy, straight to one of disappointment, a look I have been privy to on many occasions...
’Oh it’s you...’Is all he managed to say before slumping down in the seat opposite. I can’t say his disappointment surprised me, but it did puzzle me.
‘Well who else did you expect?’ I replied flashing him a friendly smile, doing my best not to infuriate him straight off the bat. He rolled his eyes before forming his response...
‘When they said ‘The Blessed Ones’ better half was here to see him, I assumed it was ‘The Significant Player’ Declan Prescott...’
’You thought they meant Declan? That’s genuinely disturbing to MJ, even for you...’ I raised my eyebrows as I responded to this shocking revelation from my, apparently heterosexual, partner...
’Oh please, ‘The Headliner’ works in the same company as Alex Kiseragi, gay jokes have become lame and predictable. Declan Prescott is the other half of the leaders ‘The Revolution’, of course ‘The Headliner’ assumed they were talking about him. Travis Roberts didn’t think it was possible that anyone could mistake you for his better half...’
’Very droll’ I replied, inwardly pleased to see he was putting on the same front he had since I returned to his life, ‘But have you seen yourself recently, Mary-Joanna would say it was very possible someone would make such an assumption...’
’Ok, what are you doing here, honestly ‘The Headliner’ would rather be locked in a cell with a baby oil smothered Nazi than spend a minute more than necessary in the vicinity of your putrid self.’
More bravado from soon to be my ex-husband, but now was not the time nor place to challenge him, right now I needed to appeal to his ego...
‘Well the ‘TWiSTeD Widow’ has some news for you, MJ is going to be the Special-Guest Referee in your match with Randy at Infinity’. I broke the news to him simply and quickly, I really needed to get this information out to move on. His response took me aback, he merely took his glasses off, placed them in his top pocket, and looked deep into my eyes. It was an uncomfortable situation, he hadn’t looked me dead in the eyes for so long, I felt like something was expected of me, so I flashed him that same friendly smile I had used earlier...
’Let ‘The Blessed One’ Out! Guard....Guard...Travis Roberts is finished now...’
’Don’t be so silly Travis’ I calmly urged ‘There is nothing malicious behind this, and besides the Guard has left as alone for a few minutes...’
’What kind of estrablishment are they running here, surely they should be ensuring you don’t try and break ‘The Blessed One’ out...’
’MJ can be quite know that...besides you’ll be released soon after our conversation anyway, as long as you agree to a couple of requests...’
’Why would ‘The Headliner’ agree to any of your requests, what planet are you vacationing on? You obviously caught some kind of IQ degenerating disease from Randy if you think Travis Roberts would even entertain the notion of co-operating with you...’
Perfect, this was going exactly as I had expected, I let Travis finish his indignant rant, before moving onto the next phase of proceedings.
‘It used to be endearing how naive you could be, when we first met MJ couldn’t understand how a man so blessed and gifted in the ring and in the industry, could be so oblivious to the workings of the real world. But it was charming, now though Travis, it’s becoming somewhat of a bore.
MJ can tell you think the ‘TWiSTeD Heiress’ will try to screw you on Sunday, but why would MJ do that?’ I fluttered my eyelashes at him, and before he had chance to reply, I gave him the answer. ‘Mary-Joanna wouldn’t! MJ is not stupid, she knows you’re worth far more in divorce proceedings if you are reigning Unified Global Champion, rather than a washed up chump who got beat by a punk kid...’
‘So lets talk reality, firstly if you wanna get out of here, you have to promise you won’t attack Randy before the bell rings at Infinity...’
It didn’t take long for Travis to come back with a predictably cocky reply.
’If he stays away from ‘The Headliner’ there’s no reason our path would cross before then, it’s not like we frequent the same establishments...’
Now it was time for Randy’s request, I wasn’t sure how this would go down.
‘Also, MJ would like you to bring the old title belts with you on Sunday, the winner of the match will be given sole property of them...’ Travis looked around the room, and then started to laugh, I bit my bottom lip, this was not looking good, if Randy was going to act as planned on Sunday, I needed those belts on the line for some reason they meant a lot to him.
’No problem, saves me finding a way to dispose of them, ‘The Blessed One’ has more accolades, awards and championships than Randy Boolzian has ‘trophies’, and they mean a lot less to Travis than those soiled panties mean to BoolZ...’
I was shocked at how easy that was, he needed no coercion on the subject, so stunned was I that I left the door open for Travis to start on one of his customary, uninterruptable rants.
’Not that it would matter if they did mean anything, there is no risk of ‘The Headliner’ losing come Infinity. You see ‘The Headliner’ has had time to think in however many hours he’s had to endure this lousy food and accommodation, and a few things have become glaringly apparent. Last week Travis Roberts came to the realisation that Randy Boolzian was out to destroy everything ‘The Blessed One’ had ever accomplished. In the time spent incarcerated ‘The Headliner’ realised he made the wrong decision in how he reacted to that realisation.
Travis Roberts became a walking torrent of rage and indignation, and for the first time in recent memory ‘The Blessed One’ made the wrong decision, a decision that landed him in these surroundings, and ultimately in another encounter with you. Whilst contemplating these actions ‘The TWiSTeD Guerrilla’ had another realisation, in those hours at Sentinel, he had lowered himself to the level of Randy Boolzian, Travis Roberts had taken a play right out of ‘The Red Bull Icons’ book, and made an utterly incomprehensible mistake...
‘The Blessed One’’ had taken a leave of his senses, there was nothing to gain from a backstage brawl, just as there had not been on the first Sentinel of 2009, it would prove nothing, it would change nothing, it was a truly futile set of actions. The sort of thing that Randy Boolzian has made his trademark, the futile useless victories he trumpets whenever anybody is listening. Travis Roberts knows better than that, ‘The Blessed One’ will not act like Randy Boolzian again, he shall not lower himself again, instead he would continue to do what ‘The Headliner’ does best, deliver when it counts...’
He paused, this was it, I knew that this was my window of opportunity to end this charade and move onto more pressing matters, but I couldn’t help myself but get engrossed by the pitter patter of Travis’ speech pattern, and by the time I realised my opportunity, it had already gone, as he launched into yet another tirade...
’And it was during these moments that Travis Roberts realised just what Randy Boolzian’s strategy had been in 2009. See, since he left Horizons with nothing but his precious record of never being pinned or made to submit, Randy Boolzian made the best decision to date, he decided he needed to change. GIW’s walking advert for regular visits to your local sexual health clinic, realised he needed to approach things differently. And again, he made a fairly smart decision, he decided to ape ‘The Blessed One’.
Everyone has seen Randy pick up the microphone at every possible moment and attempt to formulate full sentences. It’s clear he has tried to bring himself up to ‘The Headliners’ level, it is clear he can see just how vastly superior ‘The Blessed One’ is at entertaining the masses than he. On the face of it, this was a smart move on Randy Boolzian’s part, but obviously it takes someone of ‘The TWiSTeD High Commanders’ superior intellect to point out the flaws.
You see, against anyone other than ‘The Headliner’ this may well have been a successful strategy, but obviously it won’t be fruitful against ‘The Blessed One’ himself. Firstly Travis Roberts success can be attributed to far more than his skills in public speaking, ‘The Most Influential Icon in Sports Entertainment’ has never defeated an opponent in the ring just by speaking at them....that’s more of an Alex Kiseragi trait.
Then there is the fact that if this were a debating contest, ‘The Blessed One’ would run cuircles around Randy Boolzian in every regard. The world has been listening to his drivel for weeks now, and no-one takes a word of it seriously. Week after week, in some venue or other he has tried the Travis Roberts game plan of ridiculing your opponent in public, but frankly he’s embarrassing himself. Take his in ring announcement on the second Sentinel of 2009, he firstly bored half the audience to death by recapping everything they always knew, the only bright side being he highlighted just how phenomenally more intelligent than ‘The Revolutuion’ than their roster mates, who they so easily fooled time and time again in 2008.
Then he went on to claim ‘The Headliner’ begged his way into the Horizons Main Event, despite the fact that it was Travis Roberts’ right to have a rematch. Ignoring the fact that Alex Kieragi vs Randy Boolzian was the main event no-one would pay to see, he clearly doesn’t remember how uninterested ‘The Headliner’ was in that match until a few weeks before. Hell that whole incident only goes to show how Travis Roberts can come late to the party and still go home with all the girls.
Apart from that and a truly unimaginative quip about ‘The Headliners’ age, apparently a Shooting Star Press from the top of the Cell looks like someone throwing out their hip...if you’ve just happened to land on your head after a fall from a great height, there was nothing more of note in what Randy had to say. And from there it went on, Randy went from claiming to carry ‘The Headliner’ through matches, to announcing he was going to use ‘The Blessed Ones’ reputation to ride to the top like GWAR. Despite these inconsistencies, ‘The TWiSTeD Icon’ expects Randy Boolzian will speculate that his actions have forced Travis Roberts to avoid the media, that they have been so successful that ‘The Blessed One’ is too humiliated and is in some kind of hiding from the press.
Randy Boolzian probably think he has driven ‘The Blessed One’ to seclusion, he probably takes the lack of ‘The Headliner’ on the airwaves as a victory. What a truly preposterous notion that is. Firstly why would Travis Roberts do anything to help Boss penguin get viewers? The sooner the sponsors realise that damn duck is ruining GIW programming the better, and how better to drive the fans away than by giving them less Travis, and more Angry Randy?
Secondly, why does Travis need to go out and humiliate Randy Boolzian in public, when Randy has been doing a fine job of that for himself? Surely he can see that the rest of the world merely regard him as a petulant child, who didn’t get the Christmas gift he wanted and has been a whiny pain in the ass ever since? Does anyone ever take the moody toddler seriously? Does anyone ever get insulted by the pre-school version of degradation it attempts?
Randy Boolzian has spent 2009 speaking to anyone who will listen about his meaningless victories over Travis Roberts, his undefeated streak, his Battleground Victory, his Hardcore Title reign and how Travis Roberts is just a doped up old hippy who needs others to do his work for him...
Well Travis Roberts goes into Infinity on his own, he’s not stupid enough to think your disease ridden posterior will look out for him, what will it look like, when once again Randy Boolzian comes up short against the doped up, old hippy?
‘The Blessed One’ will tell you what, it’ll look like, once again, Randy made the wrong decisions. And you know what, not a soul in the Allstate Arena in Chicago, will be the slightest bit surprised...’
I expected him to keep talking, maybe even a part of me wanted[/b] him too, but he had obviously come to the end of his train of thought, he had nothing more to say to me. But he’d said more than enough, I knew Travis was exactly where I wanted him, I just had to see Randy one last time, and then I’d know for sure...[/color]
Through the security monitor of the Police Station’s Security I observed the one time love of my life, Travis Roberts, sitting alone in a holding cell, clutching his one useless hand with the fully functioning one. Over the past few weeks I could barely trust in what my eyes had shown me, despite my misgivings about his attitude and direction since he awoke from his coma, I found it hard to accept that the man who was the impeccable example of confidence, integrity and sporting excellence had plummeted to the depths that he now inhabited.
His appearance alone indicated the events of recent weeks had affected him in a way I could never have predicted. His hair matted together with blood and sweat from weeks of run ins with Randy, wearing the same clothing that he was draped in when I took possession of my rightful half of the home, his trademark Aviators almost destroyed by the events of Sunday night still sitting across his eyes, albeit at an awkward angle...this was indeed a shadow of the man I once dedicated my entire existence to.
Despite the fact that I should be feeling buoyed by these observations, as they can only work to my advantage, I could feel something in the pit of my stomach, deep down I knew this wasn’t right, this wasn’t natural. Those feeling directly contradicted everything I had been working towards, this moment should be one of victory and rejoicing, but those feelings just would not desist. No matter how much I told myself this was exactly what we expected to happen, as much as I reminded myself that I knew that taking away everything Travis relied upon would expose him for the postulating, pontificating prick he is, despite the validity of all this, it still made me squirm a little on my seat.
Being right never used to feel this way, the usual rush of adrenaline and justification was absent from my being, and that was a worry, but a worry I had to put aside, there were far bigger things at stake. I reminded myself it was better him than me; that Travis had brought this all upon himself when he shunned me on waking from his long sleep; that any guilt that I may feel was just residual effects of the love I once felt for him. In fact, it probably wasn’t guilt I felt, just surprise. Whilst I always expected Travis to collapse into a wreck, I could never have predicted it would happen so swiftly and dramatically, living with paedophiles and immigrants, letting his cool slip and getting himself arrested, eating at buffets! In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have expected such an outcome so quickly, and I told myself these uncomfortable feelings were obviously a reflection of my utter shock at the way events had turned.
I turned my attention to another monitor, and looked upon the young man pacing the length of his cell, backwards and forwards, over and over again. I could not deny, this individual had been integral to the overwhelming success of my plans, despite writing him off after he failed me in November, he had continued to aid my cause. I was not naive enough to assume his motivations had anything to do with pleasing me, but nevertheless his actions had been instrumental in bringing Travis to his knees in such a short space of time.
I’d spent enough time with Randy during our charade of a relationship, to know that he had his own demons pushing him to destroy Travis, and that my intervention and done no more than act as a catalyst to the inevitable. But I could not help but feel fortunate that our individual onslaughts upon Travis had coincided with one another. The ferocity of Randy’s hatred for Travis, despite the fact it may be misplaced, had brought me to the brink of everything I deserved. Randy had helped push Travis into revealing how reliant upon others he truly is for his success, and what a magnificent display we had coerced.
But again, whilst I should be feeling pride at how I had stoked Randy’s emotions to this point, of how I had enveloped him into my own plans, deep down, something felt disconcerting. As much as I told myself Randy had made these decisions himself, I couldn’t help but feel nervous for what the future held for him. Sure our relationship was a sham, but we’d spent so much time together, it was difficult not to grow fond of him, and seeing him make the wrong decision time and time again, despite how it played into my hands, was difficult.
This young man had the world at his feet, he is one of the hottest talents in the industry, and really he’s only just getting started. His close proximity to myself had given me an insight into his workings, and below the nonchalant, laid back demeanour he displayed to the world, I could see a dark, simmering rage beneath the surface, and in the past weeks he has begun to let those emotions rule his decisions and his actions. Although his future could hold so much joy and success for Randy, he is ruled by events from his past, and he is allowing them to distort his future, the most disconcerting thing about it all though is the fact I think he is well aware of what he is doing.
Even if I wanted to help, there is nothing I could do to influence him, Randy has proved determined to continue punishing himself, no form of intervention would force him to another path. So it was the logical, smart move to exploit his actions for my own benefit, but yet, there was a small voice at the back of my heads that told me this had to end. But I dismissed the voice as useless, this was no time for second thoughts, no time to re-imagine the future, I had set the pieces in place, it was time to follow through with it all, to show the world just why you shouldn’t underestimate Mary-Joanna.
I rose from the chair, and turned to Officer Pettyman, thanking him for ‘bending’ the rules and allowing me access to the footage. Leaning forward I firmly kissed the young officer on the cheek, and told him I was ready to see Randy now. As I left the room I glanced back over my shoulder for one last look at the monitors, and saw the door to Travis’ cell open just as I exited.
[‘The Blessed One’ raised his head from his hands, and looked through the shattered lenses of his Aviators as his cell door swung open, and a guard barked into the cell:]
Guard – ‘We’re getting overcrowded, time to double up Champ’
[The disdain for ‘The Headliner’ in the man’s voice is clear, but Travis just looks on, making no attempt to challenge the man on his display of disrespect. The guard just chuckles, and his overweight gut ripples as he does so]
Guard – ‘Don’t worry, I hear you know one another...’
[The ‘TWiSTeD Icon’ raises his eyebrows as the guard turns and grabs an unseen man behind him and tosses him into the cell, and locks the door. The man is large, and well built, but we do not get a glimpse of his face as he immediately throws himself against the door and starts pounding upon it.]
? – ‘Let me out...I demand you let me out you dirty jew!...Zee’s iz a travesty...Nein!....Nein!... Ich stehe nicht für dieses, dieses bin eine Beleidigung zu meiner Nation, Sie werde zerquetscht durch das überlegene Rennen, markiere meinen Wortabschaum.’
[Travis’ jaw drops to the floor, and he looks around his cell, as if looking for someone to share his utter shock and bemusement to. It takes a few seconds for him to come to the conclusion there is no-one, other than the protesting man to display his stupefaction to. He looks at his feet and speaks for the first time]
Travis – ‘And ‘The Headliner’ didn’t think things could possibly get any worse...Savage?’
[The man stops his pounding on the cell door abruptly, his entire body clenches at the sound of Travis’ voice, he then turns, very slowly towards ‘The Blessed One’ revealing, it is indeed GIW’s former resident Nazi, Savage, with a very concerned look upon himself...]
Travis – ‘What in the name of TWiSTeD did ‘The Most Influential Icon in Sports Entertainment this Millennia’ do to deserve this. ‘The Blessed One’ thought it was bad being locked up like an animal, Travis Roberts never actually considered things could be far...far worse...’
[During Travis’ words Savage has backed away into a corner, and is holding his arms up in front of him in a defensive posture, as if he expects ‘The Headliner’ to come flying at him]
Travis – ‘But as ever it is going to be up to ‘The TWiSTeD Icon’ to make the most of the situation... the company of a lunatic is surely better than no company and no delicacies...’
[Travis rises from his bunk, and turns towards Savage, who jumps a good two foot in the air in surprise and starts to hop on the spot, fists outstretched.]
Savage – ‘Nein!....Nein!....Stay away from me...come any closer....and Blitzkrieg!’
Travis – ‘Calm down you anti-Semitic proof that gene sharing encourages retardation...’The Blessed One’ dropped you on your head enough times last year, Travis Roberts feel’s no need to remind you of just how inferior you really are...’The Headliner’ is the Unified Global Champion, there is no need to be lower himself toy our standard...’The TWiSTeD Guerrilla’ was merely going to enquire into why you’re in this fine establishment...’
[Savage looks at Travis and narrows his eyes, obviously unsure as to whether to trust ‘The Headliner’]
Travis – ‘For TWiSTeD’s sake Savage...if ‘The TWiSTeD High Commander’ wanted to attack you, do you really think hopping around like your having some kind of seizure would make any difference? Just answer the damn question.’
[Savage stands still for the first time since realising he was sharing a cell with ‘The Blessed One’, lowers his arms, and begins to speak slowly, but never moving from the corner of the cell.]
Savage – ‘It’s a long story...but to skip to the end I broke the conditions of a restraining order...’
Travis – ‘You were stalking Jack Ryan’s again weren’t you?’
Savage – ‘I just can’t help it...the smell of his hair....the softness of his voice...the definition of his know he was better than anyone else in GIW....he was indeed a god walking amongst us mere am I meant to restrain myself? I have gazed upon the face of god, I have heard him talk to me, how can society expect me to ignore my calling...’
Travis – ‘’The Blessed One’ hates to break this to you, but Society isn’t who requested the restraining order....that was Jack Ryan’s himself, and if what ‘The Headliner’ has heard is true, Travis Roberts thinks ya got off lucky...if you’d been found covered in baby oil underneath ‘The TWiSTeD Icons’ floorboards the proper authorities would not have been notified...’
Savage – ‘Nein! It is merely religious else am I supposed to worship a god who walks amongst the mortals....I am a Disciple of Ryans, and much like the disciples of the bible I am being persecuted for my beliefs...this country is awash with religious intolerance...and I have become victim of it!’
Travis – ‘You have no idea about injustice, you were not thrown into jail for merely defending oneself. You’re not at the centre of some goddamn vendetta, a vendetta pursued by a maniacal bird at that. Week after week Randy Boolzian has stuck his nose in ‘The Headliners’ business because he couldn’t live with the fact he couldn’t get the job done at Horizons...the moment ‘The Blessed One’ decides to take matters into his own hands, the damn pigs are called, and ‘The TWiSTeD Icon’ is thrown in jail....Boss P was just waiting for this moment....’
Savage – ‘Yeah...ummm...I never really understood what was going on when I was in[/b] GIW, so could we just talk about Jack Ryans instead? I’m sure you would agree his actions can teach us much about the way we too should live our lives...the world would be a much better place if Jack was given the adoration and respect he truly deserves...’[/color]
[Savage is interrupted as the cell door opens once again and the rotund guard stands in the doorway, blocking any light from the corridor beyond with his large frame]
Guard – ‘Yo, Champ...Your better half is here, and for some reasons you get to visit them...though I’d rather see your criminal backside locked up for good...’
[Travis looks at Savage, and back to the mocking guard, and for the first time we see a smile spread across Travis’ face...]
Travis – ‘Thank TWiSTeD!’
I sat behind the table and watched Randy leave the room, he really is a fine looking young man, such a pity he’s so consumed with guilt and hatred, yet those exact traits are what makes him so easy to manipulate. I’m not sure what it is about men, but they seem to do exactly what I intend them to do, they always dance to my tune as it were, and the beautiful thing about it is, they never know it. Having finished my conversation with Randy, I was assured he was in exactly the right frame of mind for what was to come, now it was time to ensure my beloved was as desolate and shattered as it seemed.
The door swung open and the guard led in my husband, he looked up and his face went from an expression of joy, straight to one of disappointment, a look I have been privy to on many occasions...
’Oh it’s you...’Is all he managed to say before slumping down in the seat opposite. I can’t say his disappointment surprised me, but it did puzzle me.
‘Well who else did you expect?’ I replied flashing him a friendly smile, doing my best not to infuriate him straight off the bat. He rolled his eyes before forming his response...
‘When they said ‘The Blessed Ones’ better half was here to see him, I assumed it was ‘The Significant Player’ Declan Prescott...’
’You thought they meant Declan? That’s genuinely disturbing to MJ, even for you...’ I raised my eyebrows as I responded to this shocking revelation from my, apparently heterosexual, partner...
’Oh please, ‘The Headliner’ works in the same company as Alex Kiseragi, gay jokes have become lame and predictable. Declan Prescott is the other half of the leaders ‘The Revolution’, of course ‘The Headliner’ assumed they were talking about him. Travis Roberts didn’t think it was possible that anyone could mistake you for his better half...’
’Very droll’ I replied, inwardly pleased to see he was putting on the same front he had since I returned to his life, ‘But have you seen yourself recently, Mary-Joanna would say it was very possible someone would make such an assumption...’
’Ok, what are you doing here, honestly ‘The Headliner’ would rather be locked in a cell with a baby oil smothered Nazi than spend a minute more than necessary in the vicinity of your putrid self.’
More bravado from soon to be my ex-husband, but now was not the time nor place to challenge him, right now I needed to appeal to his ego...
‘Well the ‘TWiSTeD Widow’ has some news for you, MJ is going to be the Special-Guest Referee in your match with Randy at Infinity’. I broke the news to him simply and quickly, I really needed to get this information out to move on. His response took me aback, he merely took his glasses off, placed them in his top pocket, and looked deep into my eyes. It was an uncomfortable situation, he hadn’t looked me dead in the eyes for so long, I felt like something was expected of me, so I flashed him that same friendly smile I had used earlier...
’Let ‘The Blessed One’ Out! Guard....Guard...Travis Roberts is finished now...’
’Don’t be so silly Travis’ I calmly urged ‘There is nothing malicious behind this, and besides the Guard has left as alone for a few minutes...’
’What kind of estrablishment are they running here, surely they should be ensuring you don’t try and break ‘The Blessed One’ out...’
’MJ can be quite know that...besides you’ll be released soon after our conversation anyway, as long as you agree to a couple of requests...’
’Why would ‘The Headliner’ agree to any of your requests, what planet are you vacationing on? You obviously caught some kind of IQ degenerating disease from Randy if you think Travis Roberts would even entertain the notion of co-operating with you...’
Perfect, this was going exactly as I had expected, I let Travis finish his indignant rant, before moving onto the next phase of proceedings.
‘It used to be endearing how naive you could be, when we first met MJ couldn’t understand how a man so blessed and gifted in the ring and in the industry, could be so oblivious to the workings of the real world. But it was charming, now though Travis, it’s becoming somewhat of a bore.
MJ can tell you think the ‘TWiSTeD Heiress’ will try to screw you on Sunday, but why would MJ do that?’ I fluttered my eyelashes at him, and before he had chance to reply, I gave him the answer. ‘Mary-Joanna wouldn’t! MJ is not stupid, she knows you’re worth far more in divorce proceedings if you are reigning Unified Global Champion, rather than a washed up chump who got beat by a punk kid...’
‘So lets talk reality, firstly if you wanna get out of here, you have to promise you won’t attack Randy before the bell rings at Infinity...’
It didn’t take long for Travis to come back with a predictably cocky reply.
’If he stays away from ‘The Headliner’ there’s no reason our path would cross before then, it’s not like we frequent the same establishments...’
Now it was time for Randy’s request, I wasn’t sure how this would go down.
‘Also, MJ would like you to bring the old title belts with you on Sunday, the winner of the match will be given sole property of them...’ Travis looked around the room, and then started to laugh, I bit my bottom lip, this was not looking good, if Randy was going to act as planned on Sunday, I needed those belts on the line for some reason they meant a lot to him.
’No problem, saves me finding a way to dispose of them, ‘The Blessed One’ has more accolades, awards and championships than Randy Boolzian has ‘trophies’, and they mean a lot less to Travis than those soiled panties mean to BoolZ...’
I was shocked at how easy that was, he needed no coercion on the subject, so stunned was I that I left the door open for Travis to start on one of his customary, uninterruptable rants.
’Not that it would matter if they did mean anything, there is no risk of ‘The Headliner’ losing come Infinity. You see ‘The Headliner’ has had time to think in however many hours he’s had to endure this lousy food and accommodation, and a few things have become glaringly apparent. Last week Travis Roberts came to the realisation that Randy Boolzian was out to destroy everything ‘The Blessed One’ had ever accomplished. In the time spent incarcerated ‘The Headliner’ realised he made the wrong decision in how he reacted to that realisation.
Travis Roberts became a walking torrent of rage and indignation, and for the first time in recent memory ‘The Blessed One’ made the wrong decision, a decision that landed him in these surroundings, and ultimately in another encounter with you. Whilst contemplating these actions ‘The TWiSTeD Guerrilla’ had another realisation, in those hours at Sentinel, he had lowered himself to the level of Randy Boolzian, Travis Roberts had taken a play right out of ‘The Red Bull Icons’ book, and made an utterly incomprehensible mistake...
‘The Blessed One’’ had taken a leave of his senses, there was nothing to gain from a backstage brawl, just as there had not been on the first Sentinel of 2009, it would prove nothing, it would change nothing, it was a truly futile set of actions. The sort of thing that Randy Boolzian has made his trademark, the futile useless victories he trumpets whenever anybody is listening. Travis Roberts knows better than that, ‘The Blessed One’ will not act like Randy Boolzian again, he shall not lower himself again, instead he would continue to do what ‘The Headliner’ does best, deliver when it counts...’
He paused, this was it, I knew that this was my window of opportunity to end this charade and move onto more pressing matters, but I couldn’t help myself but get engrossed by the pitter patter of Travis’ speech pattern, and by the time I realised my opportunity, it had already gone, as he launched into yet another tirade...
’And it was during these moments that Travis Roberts realised just what Randy Boolzian’s strategy had been in 2009. See, since he left Horizons with nothing but his precious record of never being pinned or made to submit, Randy Boolzian made the best decision to date, he decided he needed to change. GIW’s walking advert for regular visits to your local sexual health clinic, realised he needed to approach things differently. And again, he made a fairly smart decision, he decided to ape ‘The Blessed One’.
Everyone has seen Randy pick up the microphone at every possible moment and attempt to formulate full sentences. It’s clear he has tried to bring himself up to ‘The Headliners’ level, it is clear he can see just how vastly superior ‘The Blessed One’ is at entertaining the masses than he. On the face of it, this was a smart move on Randy Boolzian’s part, but obviously it takes someone of ‘The TWiSTeD High Commanders’ superior intellect to point out the flaws.
You see, against anyone other than ‘The Headliner’ this may well have been a successful strategy, but obviously it won’t be fruitful against ‘The Blessed One’ himself. Firstly Travis Roberts success can be attributed to far more than his skills in public speaking, ‘The Most Influential Icon in Sports Entertainment’ has never defeated an opponent in the ring just by speaking at them....that’s more of an Alex Kiseragi trait.
Then there is the fact that if this were a debating contest, ‘The Blessed One’ would run cuircles around Randy Boolzian in every regard. The world has been listening to his drivel for weeks now, and no-one takes a word of it seriously. Week after week, in some venue or other he has tried the Travis Roberts game plan of ridiculing your opponent in public, but frankly he’s embarrassing himself. Take his in ring announcement on the second Sentinel of 2009, he firstly bored half the audience to death by recapping everything they always knew, the only bright side being he highlighted just how phenomenally more intelligent than ‘The Revolutuion’ than their roster mates, who they so easily fooled time and time again in 2008.
Then he went on to claim ‘The Headliner’ begged his way into the Horizons Main Event, despite the fact that it was Travis Roberts’ right to have a rematch. Ignoring the fact that Alex Kieragi vs Randy Boolzian was the main event no-one would pay to see, he clearly doesn’t remember how uninterested ‘The Headliner’ was in that match until a few weeks before. Hell that whole incident only goes to show how Travis Roberts can come late to the party and still go home with all the girls.
Apart from that and a truly unimaginative quip about ‘The Headliners’ age, apparently a Shooting Star Press from the top of the Cell looks like someone throwing out their hip...if you’ve just happened to land on your head after a fall from a great height, there was nothing more of note in what Randy had to say. And from there it went on, Randy went from claiming to carry ‘The Headliner’ through matches, to announcing he was going to use ‘The Blessed Ones’ reputation to ride to the top like GWAR. Despite these inconsistencies, ‘The TWiSTeD Icon’ expects Randy Boolzian will speculate that his actions have forced Travis Roberts to avoid the media, that they have been so successful that ‘The Blessed One’ is too humiliated and is in some kind of hiding from the press.
Randy Boolzian probably think he has driven ‘The Blessed One’ to seclusion, he probably takes the lack of ‘The Headliner’ on the airwaves as a victory. What a truly preposterous notion that is. Firstly why would Travis Roberts do anything to help Boss penguin get viewers? The sooner the sponsors realise that damn duck is ruining GIW programming the better, and how better to drive the fans away than by giving them less Travis, and more Angry Randy?
Secondly, why does Travis need to go out and humiliate Randy Boolzian in public, when Randy has been doing a fine job of that for himself? Surely he can see that the rest of the world merely regard him as a petulant child, who didn’t get the Christmas gift he wanted and has been a whiny pain in the ass ever since? Does anyone ever take the moody toddler seriously? Does anyone ever get insulted by the pre-school version of degradation it attempts?
Randy Boolzian has spent 2009 speaking to anyone who will listen about his meaningless victories over Travis Roberts, his undefeated streak, his Battleground Victory, his Hardcore Title reign and how Travis Roberts is just a doped up old hippy who needs others to do his work for him...
Well Travis Roberts goes into Infinity on his own, he’s not stupid enough to think your disease ridden posterior will look out for him, what will it look like, when once again Randy Boolzian comes up short against the doped up, old hippy?
‘The Blessed One’ will tell you what, it’ll look like, once again, Randy made the wrong decisions. And you know what, not a soul in the Allstate Arena in Chicago, will be the slightest bit surprised...’
I expected him to keep talking, maybe even a part of me wanted[/b] him too, but he had obviously come to the end of his train of thought, he had nothing more to say to me. But he’d said more than enough, I knew Travis was exactly where I wanted him, I just had to see Randy one last time, and then I’d know for sure...[/color]